Saturday, February 27, 2010 A Day At Sea
There was a bit of swell during the night and it rocked me to sleep at least for a while. I was wide awake around 3 am so I went out on the balcony. The night sky was clear and the stars glittered like diamonds but I didn’t recognize any. All of a sudden this big arc appeared like a rainbow only white and it started and ended in the water. It appeared to come closer to the ship and it got brighter and then suddenly it began to rain. It lasted maybe 10 minutes then faded and the stars came out again. It was strange and I have never seen anything like it before. I went for a walk this morning on the walking track. I really felt invorigated. Maybe I’ll come home in shape ha ha.. After exploring around the ship a bit I went to connect my computer to wifi and it’s going to be rather pricey doing the blog over the internet so I’ll do it in a word document and there probably won’t be as many pictures as it takes too long to load. Our cruise critic group got together this morning for about an hour for a “meet and mingle”. It was nice to chat with those I had been chatting with online for the last year and put faces to a name. Most are from England, Scotland & Australia. What a small world we really live in. Royal Caribbean hosted the event for us and provided drinks and finger foods. The afternoon was spent by the pool sunning and swimming. Even Dun went for a dip. I spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing on the balcony, reading, finishing off my bottle of wine from last night while Dun had a nap. I am thankful for how lucky I really am to be able to do this great trip. There really is no words to describe the feeling of sitting on the balcony watching the waves in total quiet with no worries in the world ( at least for a while). Linda you would enjoy the total relaxation and some day we will do a trip. Formal Night tonight and the Captain’s welcome aboard reception Time to get all gussied up. We had the great privilege of meeting and having our picture taken with the Master of the “Rhapsody of Seas” Rick Sullivan who is Canadian and hails from the shores of Great Lakes. He told us he was recently in PEI for his nephew’s wedding and he knows the Atlantic Provinces well. He is a jolly chap with a great sense of humour. Later in the evening we attended the Front Liner show, had drinks with some Aussies before retiring for the night. All in all it was a great day at sea.
HaHa!!! When I fist seen the picture of Dun, I thought he was the captain of the ship. Looking good Dun.